--Munihshytain el yakmalar ve buff süreleri 1 gün yapma işlem öncesi media.pk2 yedeğini alınız.sonra skilldata xx cıkarın
-- El Yakmalar 15 saniye
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (BUZ)
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ELEKTRİK)
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ATEŞ)
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (BUZ)
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ELEKTRİK)
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ATEŞ)
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 2000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GANGGI_%_%' -- Might Guard of Ice
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GANGGI_%_%' -- Might Guard of Ice
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 3000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GWANTONG_%_%' -- Force - Piercing Force
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GWANTONG_%_%' -- Force - Piercing Force
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 4000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_JIPJUNG_%_%' -- Concentration - 4th
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_JIPJUNG_%_%' -- Concentration - 4th
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 5000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GONGUP_%_%' -- Flame Body - Trial
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GONGUP_%_%' -- Flame Body - Trial
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 5000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GANGGI_%_%' -- Earth Fire Protection
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GANGGI_%_%' -- Fire Shield - Emperor
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 5000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_SHIELD_%_%' -- Fire Shield - Emperor
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_SHIELD_%_%' -- Fire Shield - Emperor
--Munihshytain el yakmalar ve buff süreleri 1 gün yapma işlem öncesi media.pk2 yedeğini alınız.sonra skilldata xx cıkarın
-- El Yakmalar 15 saniye
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (BUZ)
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ELEKTRİK)
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ATEŞ)
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (BUZ)
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ELEKTRİK)
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 15000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GIGONGTA_%_%' -- El Yakma (ATEŞ)
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 2000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GANGGI_%_%' -- Might Guard of Ice
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_COLD_GANGGI_%_%' -- Might Guard of Ice
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 3000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GWANTONG_%_%' -- Force - Piercing Force
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_GWANTONG_%_%' -- Force - Piercing Force
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 4000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_JIPJUNG_%_%' -- Concentration - 4th
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_LIGHTNING_JIPJUNG_%_%' -- Concentration - 4th
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 5000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GONGUP_%_%' -- Flame Body - Trial
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GONGUP_%_%' -- Flame Body - Trial
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 5000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GANGGI_%_%' -- Earth Fire Protection
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_GANGGI_%_%' -- Fire Shield - Emperor
update _RefSkill set Action_ReuseDelay = 5000 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_SHIELD_%_%' -- Fire Shield - Emperor
update _RefSkill set Param3 = 1685418593 where Basic_Code like 'SKILL_CH_FIRE_SHIELD_%_%' -- Fire Shield - Emperor
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